Tax Advisory Finland

Tax Advisory Finland – Avente

Tax Advisory Finland is a professional law firm specialised in the taxation of foreign companies and individuals in Finland. The company was founded in 2013 by Tax and Corporate Lawyer Susanna Uusitalo who has more than 20 years of experience in international tax matters . During her career she has worked for the Finnish Tax Administration, Big Four audit firm, Attorneys at Law office as well as for an international accounting firm. If you want to ensure that your business in Finland is in line with the local legislation or you aim to optimize your personal taxation in Finland, do not hesitate to contact us!

Typical questions from our customers relating to international taxation

  • When income is taxed in Finland and what obligations arise from it
  • When an individual or a company becomes a tax resident in Finland
  • How are non-residents taxed in Finland
  • Do I need to file a tax return in Finland
  • How do I avoid double taxation or apply for a tax credit
  • Why is tax-at-source being withheld from our invoices in Finland
  • How are foreign companies taxed in Finland
  • Do we have employer obligations in Finland
  • Are there any special tax rules that apply to companies operating in the field of construction
  • What should I know about taxation and company law when I start a new business in Finland
  • What is the 183-day rule
  • How do tax treaties affect my taxation (you can find the tax treaties concluded by Finland here)